We all know that there are tons of new diet fads that come out each year. This time of year is filled with advertisements for new exercise products, weight loss supplements, and great new diets that promise great abs with barely any exercise. The newest ad I've noticed is for the
Drive-Thru Diet that Taco Bell is currently promoting. It reminds me of the KFC ads that were trying to promote their fried chicken as something healthy and the Subway Jared campaign that has been running for years now. I can appreciate and thank restaurants for having low-fat, semi-healthy options for those times when you really can't make dinner at home. It is always good to see more options out there, but to promote them as a diet plan is going a bit far. I hope people who do eat out for lunch every day can switch to some of the healthier choices and maybe that will make a bit of a difference for them. Most people have no idea how many calories or how much fat and sodium is even in fast food. It is scary folks!
The hard part of weight loss for me is keeping it off. Diets don't work. Lifestyle changes work. You have to change your eating in way that you can live with for the rest of your life. If not, you will gain it back. I did. We stopped putting in the effort to plan meals and cook at home and here I am, fat and miserable yet again. Our circumstances were a bit out of the norm, but we stopped doing what worked and now we have to start over. I am going to forgive myself because losing Eli was hell and I don't think meal planning and cooking were even possible when living under the extreme burden of grief. We are still grieving, but at some point, I have to say enough. Enough eating out, enough drowning my sorrows in junk, ENOUGH. So here I am, trying. If I don't, I'm going to continue down the path of early death and a miserable lifestyle.
That's my bit of a soapbox speech for the day. :)
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